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About  Nancy Lynn ( The AUTHOR)

Nancy  Lynn is the author of the book A Life of More. She is trained as a special education teacher and loves the beauty of classical music. She has spent most of her life searching for more of life’s good things, and until recently, she didn’t realize she needed to think about and focus on the good as opposed to waiting for it to come. Her true desire is to transmit hope and healing to all people.

She believes that there is a Higher Power filled with love, and that each of us has access to this love inside of us.

bored stuck frustrated



Nancy spent most of her life letting others take care of her or waiting for them to make her dreams come true. But by reading and studying,  she realised she had everything she needed within her to make the life she wanted to live.   You don’t have to be stuck, frustrated or feel hopeless. There are answers and tools to help you.                   

Nancy has struggled her whole life with low self-esteem and feeling unworthy. She thought she had to settle for a mundane life. That was until she started studying  self-help and metaphysics and found life changing hope. She has learned that she can live a life she loves,  is indeed the creator of her own universe and that all of this begins in the mind.  She realises the Divine within her and focuses on what she would love in her life. Negative thoughts still come but now she has tools to help her rise above these thoughts, replacing them with positive ones.   If you are struggling with low self- esteem and feelings of unworthiness,  or even wanting to live a life you love, a life filled with your dreams, then Nancy would love to work with you.

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