Fear, Fear, Fear!

Wow! I seem to be filled with it as I travel this covid world. There are so many unknowns yet as I heard this morning on my Yoga retreat- “If your relationship of the unknown is not from love then it’s from fear. “ How very appropriate that I should hear this message today after having a self-pitying meltdown yesterday. “This very moment is Divine-it’s God moment. We need to locate the brilliance in the NOW. You enter a state of struggle when not in the NOW. The Universe is your ally, not your enemy or hostile.”

It’s funny because I thought I was so aware of fear and not living from a place of fear. I seemed to manage the fear in my little bubble world but when I stepped out, it wasn’t the fear of covid that hit me. It was the fear of possibly not seeing my daughter and grandkids after 2 long years. That particular fear kept coming to the forefront as I tried to navigate the testing procedures/requirements for the next part of my journey. Even the fear of lack was trying to sneak back into my thoughts, making my now time, a miserable time. But in this moment,  I recognise them for what they are- these fearful thoughts- they are my ego’s interpretation of the unknowns, when in actuality, I have a lot of knowns to be grateful for: 

  1. I am healthy.
  2. I have food.
  3. I have a roof over my head.
  4. I have money in my pocket.
  5. I am loved.
  6. I am safe.

I passed a man this morning, sleeping rough outside a church that was filled with people. I said a prayer for him that he may find rest and love in a home of his own. I am so blessed in so many ways, why should I fear? It’s when I am not in the now that I find myself in the fear. 

I know I keep writing about fear but it’s because I didn’t know it had such a hold on me. I was deluded in thinking my thoughts were peaceful and my life was peaceful because the fear kept coming at me. Deep down it was there but I kept pushing it further down with my affirmations and desire to not have it. It was so embedded in my thoughts that the affirmations were like water off a duck’s back. No wonder I couldn’t find that elusive peace. 

I don’t have all the answers, in fact, I continue to look for them but I do know that once I become aware of something i.e. fear, then its power to control my thoughts and life begins to dissipate.  That is why I keep writing about it. It’s not a fight with fear but a recognition that the fear is there and only with this awareness can I truly begin to live a life free of fear. 

Fear, Fear, Fear!
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Nancy Lynn

Nancy helps people whose beliefs are holding them back from living a life they love- those who think it's too late for their dreams, those who can't seem to find happiness, and those who need Divine guidance in their lives. She can be contacted on nancylynnofficial@gmail.com

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