Whose thoughts/ ideas are in your head? I’ve been reading and thinking and listening and just generally paying attention to what is going on around me and well…. I’m hearing lots of voices. But the voices I hear are filled with fear and uncertainty or those voices are trying to bring fear and uncertainty into my life. I make it a habit of not listening to the news for this very reason. I do lose out some big events but for the most part it hasn’t affected me  and I can think of things that I choose  to think about as opposed to those things which are given to me. Now you may think this is strange for me to say that but as I sit back, look and listen to all of the events happening in the world at this time, something inside of me says there’s a bigger picture. This bigger picture is not a pretty one but one of control and isolation and general captivity of the whole human race. And yet we seem to “think” it’s ok, it’s normal to be treated as such so we accept it. This flippant attitude reminds me of what Wallace Wattles says in his book, The Science of Getting Rich,

“To think according  to appearances is easy; to think truth regardless of appearances is laborious,  and requires the expenditure of more power than any other work man is called upon to perform. There is no labor from which most people shrink as they do from that of sustained and consecutive thought; it is the hardest work in the world.”

These days we are spoon fed the things and ideas were are to think. They come at us from all directions and it’s no wonder we don’t notice them. We don’t notice what’s happening to our thoughts because the information comes from places we believe would tell us the truth. They come from authority and social media and people who we think we can trust. Yet all the while we are being spoon fed their thoughts, wishes and desires. We take them as our own. It’s easy. We don’t have to think. We don’t have to question anything. They have done all the hard work for us. We fill our minds with their ideas, thoughts but we do this at our peril. We give our power to those who do not have our best interests at heart. We go with the flow and it takes us to places which deny us our Infinite Wisdom and God-source within.

The late, great, Dr. Joseph Murphy says in his book, Think Yourself to Health, Wealth & Happiness

It is the world within—- namely your thoughts, feelings, and imagery- that makes the world without.”

“Thoughts are things: what you imagine you become, and what you feel, you attract.”

“You do not get what you want in life, you get what you contemplate.”

“Change your thoughts, and you won’t have to wish that your circumstances were different; you will change your circumstances.”

“Change your thoughts now, and you change everything because your thoughts can create.”

In their book, Money and the Law of Attraction, Abram-Hicks says,

“We would encourage you to be particular about what you think. Keep your thoughts on the side of the subject that is in harmony with your wanting. Think about wellness—- not the lack of it. Think about being as you want to be rather than the lack of it. …Everything that you are living is as a result of the thoughts that you are thinking, and there is not an exception to that.”

Dr. Joseph Murphy in  The Secrets of the I Ching,  talks about how we live in an ordered universe that has immutable laws. When things happen by chance it just means we don’t recognise the law behind it. Don’t let your thoughts and ideas be left to chance.

“ When we say something happens by chance, it often just means that we can’t see the law or principle behind it. This happens most often when you permit the mass mind and its propaganda of fear, sickness, accident, and misfortune of all kinds to do your thinking for you.When you fail to do your own thinking from the standpoint of eternal verities, the mass mind impinges on your thoughts and veers you in a wrongful direction.”

I share these words with you to ask you, no plead with you-  to choose your own thoughts, do your own thinking. Think on all that is good and lovely and true. Fill your mind with those thoughts that uplift you and bring you peace and joy.  Choose your own thinking. Let your thoughts be your own.

Whose Are They?
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Nancy Lynn

Nancy helps people whose beliefs are holding them back from living a life they love- those who think it's too late for their dreams, those who can't seem to find happiness, and those who need Divine guidance in their lives. She can be contacted on nancylynnofficial@gmail.com

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