This is as Good as It Gets  


When my friend said that to me the other day I practically screamed, “No it isn’t! It can’t be!” You see I’ve spent the last few years creating my life and I wasn’t done. Many things were in place but there was one thing missing, one thing I’ve always desired and dreamed about since I became a mother. And I know even after I get that particular thing, I will still be wanting more. Not just more of anything but more of what I truly desire and want. I hadn’t realized that if you are unsure of what you want in your life then you allow things you don’t want to come in. Let me say that again, after all, it’s taken me a few decades to figure that out. If you settle for things in your life because you are unsure of what you want from life, then you will attract, receive, live, many of the things you don’t want. The Universe wants to give us good things but when we focus on our circumstances or things others think we should want then we are divorced from our true desires and yearnings. So life, the Universe, gives us those things we don’t want, even though we don’t ask consciously ask for the.. It wants us to figure out what we do truly want, not settle for the status quo.  Have you ever tried something, let’s say a job, because it paid well, sounded ok, was convenient, your friend worked there…? but when all was said and done it didn’t hit the satisfaction spot. It didn’t make your heart sing . It didn’t really fill the desire of who you wanted to be. Some of us are stubborn- well maybe there are those of us who have to figure out what we don’t want before we can know what we do. We bumble through life deciding what we think we want usually based on circumstances and opportunities because we don’t know what we really want. We don’t take time to find out. So we go from one job or relationship or house, searching for the next best one. And the reason we do that is because we are not clear on what we want in life. We haven’t really sat down with ourselves and asked those deep, meaningful questions like: “If money weren’t an object, what would I like to be doing?”  “If I could go anywhere in the world, where would that be?” “What specific qualities do I want in a partner? And am I willing to settle for anything less than what I truly desire?”
I’m here to say, you can have whatever you truly desire. I know this from firsthand experience. If it is true, our thoughts create our reality, then why not be the architecture of your life? Start by building those thoughts of things you want to see happen, people you want to meet, things you want to accomplish. As Wallace Wattles says in The Science of Getting Rich, “To think what you want to think is TRUTH, regardless of appearances. .. to think truth regardless of appearances is laborious” Your dreams and desires are waiting for you. You just have to do some deep thinking of what you want in this life. It’s your choice, no one else’s.
So the expression “ This is as good as it gets.” is only true if you think and want it to be.

This is as Good as It Gets
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Nancy Lynn

Nancy helps people whose beliefs are holding them back from living a life they love- those who think it's too late for their dreams, those who can't seem to find happiness, and those who need Divine guidance in their lives. She can be contacted on

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